Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Presentation Review

1st Group: Elvin, Marcus, Nelson

Elvin speaks well no doubt, Marcus pronounzation isn’t very clear, and I found that Nelson speaking is fun and interesting maybe he is always like that during the time I spent with him.
3 of them done well in class management.

2nd Group : XinNi,WeiXian,XinYi

3 of them are girls, I mean they are shy. Although they speak in quite a low voice, I can see that they have done their best.

3rd Group : JiaJun YeeJing

Their topic is about Martial Art, both of them know about Martial Art so they choose to present it is ok but another thing is that this topic might only interested those who are keen on Martial Art.

4th Group : Sexy Cows

I like this topic , I was amazed by JiJun’s speaking, ShiJie did a great job too both of them interested me a lot.

5th Group : Pei K YiLin

They are same topic with 1st group but I prefer 1st group. Maybe they are lack of confidence and interaction with class.

6th Group :Mak & Seah

Mak speaks well no doubt, she points out very clearly at what she was saying. Her voice Is loud too. One word – Clear.
Seah reaction is very funny during her presentation . Maybe she was nervous but look at her smile and laughter makes me think that she quite enjoy.

7th Group: PeiYing XinWei JiaYing

I enjoyed this topic because I like Lady GaGa. This team talk like GaGa too. Like itJ.

8th Group: JiaHui Bernice Minjia

JiaHui & MingJia speak wells but Bernice wasn’t. Bernice is brave during school, she always shouted at those who make fun of her but during presentation she used her 180 degree attitude spinning XD

9th Group : ZhongYu Liza Jason
I think when Jason’s part I have totally no idea what he was talking about but I think he tried his best. As for other I think is ok.

13th Group: Heidi Emily ShiYing

They explained well about what Bermuda Triangle is, 3 of them speaks well, content is interesting, well done XD

14th Group: ZiJian ABang

Abang sound funny indeed. We all made fun of him he tried to raise up his voice but turned up was man and sexy. ZiJian acts speaks totally a funny guys haha. Both of them team up well haha.

15th Group: Ziling ChernXuan

Those was quite awesome secret. They did put their effort to reveal these secret. Enjoyed very much.

16th Group Khiew Potato Mengyuh

Interesting combination. 3 of their minds work well turn out Crazy Rock Funny. They just showed what new generation was about.

17th Group Mitchell Chin
Totally bored , as for DoTA players- we don’t need those information, as for non-DoTA players- too bored , can’t really get what was about this game.
But they did put effort in it ,Mitchell speaks well no doubt.

18th Group: Mine

Thursday, July 7, 2011

story book reading- Treasure island

Book name : Treasure Island
This is a treasure hunt story. The story is about there is a man called Billy Bones who hide his treasure of his life on somewhere at a island. All the details of the treasure is on a map. The map is kept by him until one day he knew that he would be passed away so he gave the map to a boy. The boy is the main character of this story. His name is Jim Hawkins the son of the owner of the inn where Billy Bones lived.

Jim Hawkins asked one of his friend Captain Smollett for help to search for the treasure and soon they set off. Not only Jim Hawkins and the Captain knew the treasure but also the pirates who followed Billy Bones before knew about the treasure too. They followed Captain Smollett and hide among his ship crew. Their plans was to turn against the Captain when they reach the island.

Jim Hawkins found out their evil plan and told the captain about it. The captain brought those who are loyal to him and defend themselves once they reach the island. The fight between them was begun on the island.

At the end Jim found the treasure and came out with a brilliant idea and save the day.

Article reading -Dance.Locking.

Locking (originally Campbellocking) is a style of funk dance, which is today also associated with hip hop. The name is based on the concept of locking movements, which basically means freezing from a fast movement and "locking" in a certain position, holding that position for a short while and then continuing in the same speed as before. It relies on fast and distinct arm and hand movements combined with more relaxed hips and legs. The movements are generally large and exaggerated, and often very rhythmic and tightly synced with the music. Locking is quite performance oriented, often interacting with the audience by smiling or giving them a high five, and some moves are quite comical in nature. A dancer who performs locking is called a locker. Lockers commonly use a distinctive dress style, such as colorful clothing with stripes and suspenders.


I like dance more practically- love dance^.^. I found it cool when moving your body in different styling way with music. At that moment, I felt like high like throwing up into the sky. Dancing is like a knowledge with different kind of style. Different kind of style comes with different kind of moves.